Chick-fil-A Nutrition PDF [2024]
The ingredient and nutrition PDF displayed may not include customizations and is based on our standard recipes. There may be variations in serving sizes and preparation methods because our food is made by hand.
Variations can also be brought about by regional variations, seasonal offerings, product testing, and supply sources. The nutritional values of each product could be affected by this variation. Based on typical product formulations and serving sizes, Chick-fil-A has endeavored to compute nutrition and ingredient information reasonably and sincerely.
This nutrition information is calculated from one or more of the following: data provided by approved suppliers; testing in accredited laboratories; and the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Please visit your local Restaurant’s menu page to see the ingredients. Any customers with further questions regarding specific dietary concerns are advised to contact Chick-fil-A CARES at 1-866-232-2040.